
If you have time to read only one posting, click the following link to read the entry for the last day of our journey.

KYRA (posted December 4, 2013, 6:45 p.m.)

As readers of this blog know, the highlight of our trip was meeting a beautiful German shepherd named Kyra (above), and her guardian, Nicholas, on Vancouver Island, on day 45 of our journey.  Kyra was special because she, like Leben, and Sonntag before him, experienced life by the need for a wheelchair late in her life and the loving attention of her guardian.  Only those who have had a wheelchair bound dog know how difficult it is to manage such a dog, but also how joyous it is.  Even the dogs themselves don't know because they cannot distinguish the loving attention they are getting from what they got before.  Kyra was no exception, although she was an exceptional dog.
Although I was expecting this from the day I meet Kyra, Nicholas just told me that he just now had to set Kyra free.  Her medical condition had reached the point where she could no longer enjoy a pleasant life and had begun to suffer greatly. 

Over the 59 days I was on the road this year with Leben and Erde, we had many beautiful experiences.  But no experience brought me the joy I felt when we met Kyra, Nicholas, Rudy and Michelle in the grove of tall trees on that beautiful island.  How blessed by fate we were.    You can read my blog posting for that day here.

So long, Kyra.  It truly was a pleasure meeting you. And thank you for the lesson in living you taught all of us who had the honor to cross paths with you.

Ed (for Leben and Erde, too)

Here's a picture of Kyra and Leben after they had just met.  It seems that paralyzed dogs are interested in the same smells.  That's Nicholas, Kyra's guardian, in the background.



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