
If you have time to read only one posting, click the following link to read the entry for the last day of our journey.

Day 54, Monday, October 7, Rockport Stats Park in Utah to Curt Gowdy State Park in Wyoming

left the pleasant camp at Rockport State Park at 10. Hard to break camp earlier because usable daylight doesn't appear until 7am.  we were alone in the camp last night, so we had our choice of sites. nours was tge best, near a river, with lots of grass for the tent.  temperature was 32 when i got up and out at 7:00.  i was hoping to beat the cold south, but i guess nit.

Long drive today. fortunately, the whole drive was scenic and the road was very fast. i had no idea Utah, Wyoming etc. were so extraordinarily beautiful. views that are unknown in the east.

stocked up on food for the last time today at a small town.

my plan was to make it to at least Laramie and maybe Cheyenne today and start staying in those KOA cabins so i can have more time on the road. but i discovered a state park in Wyoming between the two so i targeted that. despite our running out of sun by 6pm, we pushed on, passing up a KOA and two National Forest Service camps. i was rewarded for my diligence. The 14-mile side road to the camp was perhaps one of the modt scenic i have been on, ever. and finally, some cattle in the fields . the park itself is breathtaking. our site is located on the crown of a hill overlooking a small valley and lake. photos tomorrow.  only problem was setting up the whoke camp in the dark, but i am a pro at that now, and know how to watch my step.  in fact, everything was done in 90 minutes from the time we arrived.  of course, i had to cut out something, and that was my dinner.  i ended up eating a teaspoon of the dogs' (formerly my) salmon, a small V8 juice, and an apple from the Srrachans's garden on Vancouver Island.

time to call it a night.

the photo with this posting is of the view after leaving the Rockport Camp.


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